
Cloud computing is an example of a disruptive technology. This innovation moved the traditional and costly means of installing software, infrastructure and platforms owned by an organisation to an easier and less expensive way which involves deploying these resources over the internet by a cloud service provider. Clouds are driven by a business model (Watzl, gentschen Felde, & Kranzlmuller 2011), an  organisations takes up cloud computing to suit their business model. Scott Anthony, President, Innosight in an interview with Harvard Business Publishing defined disruptive innovation as bringing to market an innovation that is simple, convenient, accessible and affordable. Disruptive innovation results in a major change and transforms existing market by creating new ones. Since any member of an organisation can come up with distruptive innovation, senior management should create conducive environment for disruption  to flourish. To spot opportunities for disruptive innovation;

1. Look for market where there is a constraint that hinders consumption

2. Identify where people have important and unsatisfied job to be done

3. Look for constraint consumption and target it at the job to be done

4. Think about how to make disruption better, simpler, convenient and affordable


Watzl, J., gentschen Felde, N., & Kranzlmuller, D. (2011). Analyzing the applicability of airline booking system for cloud computing offerings. In: Lin, S.C., & Yen, E Data Driven E-Science: Use Cases and Successful Applications of Distributed Computing Infrastructures (Isgc 2010). New York: Springer. p331-344
